Greetings from Boca Raton where I am speaking today to construction lawyers.

Let’s get right to the point: Law firms cannot control the economy and many other things, but there are things totally within a law firm’s control. Here are 5:

Industries law firms represent

  1. Hire highly motivated lawyers and  staff and make a greater effort than your competitors to teach, train, mentor and coach them.
  2. Make sure every lawyer and staff member knows the firm vision and clearly knows what is required of him or her.
  3. Raise the level of client satisfaction by finding out what clients want to exceeding those expectations and then compensating in part based on client satisfaction.
  4. Create Industry teams.
  5. Collaborate and build a team approach and compensate based on teamwork. Must reading is recent Harvard Study: Law Firm Collaboration Pays Off. You will also find this valuable: Managers Can Motivate Employees With One Word