I normally do not post on Sunday and I normally stick to stories involving lawyers and law firms. I want to make an exception today to tell an inspiring story.

Nancy and I were recently in Phoenix and got the opportunity to spend time with our friend, Brian Burgett. I met Brian years ago through my work with the Associated General Contractors and have had the opportunity to work with him. Brian is the CEO of The Kokosing Group of Fredericktown, Ohio.

During out time together Brian shared with us an inspiring story about the BUILDING H.O.P.E. Project.  Brian grew up only a few miles from Greg Benson who with his wife are field directors of Christian Services International in Haiti. Brian and his family are also friends of Tim and Toby Banks who run H.O.P.E. Orphanage, which is part of Christian Services International. H.O.P.E. presently has 20 young girls between the ages of 3 and 10 years. Toby and Tim are the legal guardians of each orphan that they take care of and none of these orphans have parents. These girls are being educated to stay in Haiti and help their country be a better place to live. Brian’s company has supported the orphanage over many years.

As you might imagine the orphanage was destroyed during the earthquake and it needs to be re-constructed. Brian decided Kokosing Group would get involved in the design, construction and fundraising for the new construction. 

A team is already in place working on designing a new orphanage, setting a construction schedule, organizing volunteer construction workers and fundraising.  Kokosing is matching up to $250,000 in contributions. It will also send construction employees to Haiti to do the construction. 

Brian shared with Nancy and me that one of the real benefits from his company involvement in the project was his employees pulling together to make the project successful. Giving time in addition to giving money has made a big difference. 

 For information about the BUILDING H.O.P.E. Project, including an up-to-date total of how much has been raised and construction progress, visit the Kokosing web site and follow the link.

Like Brian’s family and the Kokosing employees, the lawyers and staff in your law firm are motivated by the opportunity to work together on a project that is greater than themselves. Becoming a part of a project like BUILDING H.O.P.E. is a life changing experience that brings people together in a lasting way.