I understand. I really do. You want to show your readers that you are the “go to” lawyer in your field. You also want to come across as a “professional.”
But, I think your potential clients want more than that. Unless it is a “bet the company” matter, your potential clients want to hire lawyers they know, like and trust. Your blog is an opportunity to build rapport and connect with your readers, and let them get to know you.
I have coached well over 100 bloggers. I have dined with them. I have engaged in many conversations with them. I have learned about their families. I urge each of them to not just write about the latest case in their subject area. I asked several lawyers I have coached to share a blog they posted that allows readers to get to know them.
Here are some examples:
- Anne Marie O’Brien post: INSURANCE Fun Facts: Or Suggested Chatter For Your Next Cocktail Party
- Jay O’Keeffe post: A Day in the Life of an Appellate Lawyer
- Josh Horn post: Do You Want To Know One Of The Greatest Risks To Your Practice?
- Matt DeVries post: Having Fun With Your Kids on St. Patrick’s Day…and Why You Should!
- Travis Crabtree post: OK, This time I mean it! .xxx deadline is coming
- Hayes Hunt post (guest post by David Walton): The King’s Speech – A Trial Lawyer’s Stutter
- Charles Sartin post: Who’s Against Fracking and What are They Saying?
I am not suggesting that every post you write be funny or be about your family. I am just suggesting that on occasion you tell your readers a story you would share if you were drinking coffee with a professional friend.
P.S. I never thought I would like Facebook. But, over the years I have watched the children grow up. I feel like I know the lawyers I coach far better because I see their family photos and I know my former clients even better as I see photos of them with their grandchildren.