When I was a Practice Group Leader at Jenkens & Gilchrist, I developed an action plan of activities I would do. Here is my list: 
Meet one-on-one with each of the lawyers in the Practice Group and get their career goals and objectives. 
Establish credibility with each of the lawyers in the Practice Group. Determine what motivates them, ask what they are working on and how I can help them. 
Reduce billable hours by 200 annually and develop plan on using the 200 hours for leadership of the Practice Group. 
Identify roles, use weekly planners to plan activities. 
Establish performance criteria with members of the Practice Group. Get each member to agree on goals and an action plan. Provide on-going feedback as I spot the need on performance and suggestions for improvement. Look at all of each person’s accomplishments, and express appreciation before raising the bar. 
Meet with each member of the Practice Group to find out which work in the past year he or she found most rewarding and why. Also find out which career tracts would provide greatest satisfaction. Have them list three actions they can take in the short term. 
Determine strengths, weaknesses, aspirations and fears of each member of the Practice Group. (Write them down and remember.)