Wayne Gretzky was once asked the difference between a good hockey player and a great one. He reportedly answered: “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.”

Wayne Gretzky is one of the few, or maybe the only hockey player to make

I was in Philadelphia recently and while walking on Market Street, I saw a woman who clearly did not have much to give, stop and give money to a homeless person who clearly needed it. For her, giving was a personal sacrifice. Her sacrifice made a strong impression on me.

Give money istock.jpgJust last week I came

It is no secret. Clients want lawyers who are as innovative and creative as they are.

Are you an innovative and creative lawyer? According to a Harvard Business Review report  The Innovators DNA, the skill that separates innovators from noncreative professionals is “associating”—the ability to successfully connect seemingly unrelated questions, problems, or ideas from