Before I get started, let’s bow our heads in prayer in the hope that our long ordeal called a Presidential election might possibly end tonight.

Like many, I am sick of watching the drama and I fear that it might not be over, or even if it is, candidates will already be campaigning for 2020.

Last year I was in Canada shortly after the election there. My friends complained that the election had taken 11 weeks. See: Canada Reminds Us That American Elections Are Much Longer. There you will see that one Canadian election only took 32 days.

Can you imagine how our world would be different if an American Presidential election only took 11 weeks?

  • Start with just imagining what could be done with the 100s of millions of dollars spent on advertising.
  • What would the 24/7 news shows cover?
  • What would the pundits and the pollsters do?
  • I suspect that fewer on Facebook would be deleting friends who share a different political view.
  • Would the negative divisions in our country be reduced?

I did a search and found an interesting BBC article: US election 2016: What Canadians make of it. I was surprised that some Canadians feel the Canadian election is not long enough.

My friends and I may be in the minority, but I’ve not found one person who prefers how long it takes in America over how long it takes in Canada.

With that thought off my chest, let’s turn to the subject at hand.

I was interviewed a several years ago by the ABA after giving a presentation to a YLD meeting. The interview was published Q&A with Career Coach Cordell Parvin. I was asked:

When you develop lifetime goals, annual goals, five-year goals – do you continually check to see how you’re doing, or do you review them periodically at specific intervals – for example, every six months?

Lifetime goals shutterstock_78237550

Here is a short version of my answer:

Both. And I’m always reviewing and changing them. At the time I was interviewed I had 100 lifetime goals. (Note: in 2016 my bucket list is down to 82 lifetime goals).

Based in part on what author Brian Tracy suggests, I urge lawyers to sit down and write down their 10 goals for the year. Then, without looking at their previous list, sit down the next day and write down 10 goals for the year. Do this two weeks. At the end of two weeks, compare the lists and when the goals appear on pretty much all of the daily lists, it’s a pretty sure indication that the goal is a priority.

When I was young, I wrote my goals on a sheet of legal paper and I kept the folded paper in my suit coat pocket. And when I was on a plane or waiting someplace, I’d take the sheet of paper out and revisit my goals.

To me goals are not static. They change as circumstances change and I create short term goals every 30-90 days. So, don’t be afraid to revisit your yearly goals throughout the year.