I see lawyer bloggers who start with great enthusiasm and frequent blog posts and then I see fewer and fewer blog posts. Why does that happen? Why do they lose motivation to continue and persist?

More than likely it is because they are not seeing results from their investment of energy and  time.

I know what it feels like to work hard on client development and not see results. I experienced it first hand.

When I started my niche transportation construction practice, I did a lot of writing, including a law review article. I gave many presentations, including one at the 1981 ABA Annual Meeting. I remember that it was two years before I got any traction from my hard work.

What separates those lawyers who become rainmakers from many others is they stay motivated enough to get through the grind. Ok, what is the grind?

Take a look at this 2009 Psychology Today blog: Sports: What Motivates Athletes? As you will see, motivation is the only factor over which an athlete, (or lawyer) has control. I like this quote:

In training and competitions, you arrive at a point at which it is no longer fun. I call this the Grind, which starts when it gets tiring, painful, and tedious. the Grind is also the point at which it really counts. The Grind is what separates successful athletes from those who don’t achieve their goals. Many athletes when they reach this point either ease up or give up because it’s just too darned hard. But truly motivated athletes reach the Grind and keep on going.

As you will see, prime motivation is doing everything possible to become the best athlete, (lawyer) you can be.

How can you develop that prime motivation? You can read what the writer suggests. If I have coached you, I believe you will see some of the suggestions I have made. For example, you have likely heard me persuading (nagging) you to:

  1. Set an energizing long term goal-One that you are willing to get through the grind to achieve.
  2. Work with a coach or colleague to help you stay motivated.
  3. Motivational cues-What are the quotes or words from songs that you have in front of you as reminders?
  4. Daily questions-Each morning ask: “What can I do today to become a better lawyer and more valuable to my clients?” And at night ask: “Did I do everything I could today to become a better lawyer and more valuable to my clients?”
One final point: There is no better feeling than the one I had when I got through the grind and achieved what I had hoped for when I started.