Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time or you are simply exhausted? I have felt that way in my career on more than one occasion. If you feel you don’t have much time or you are exhausted, make sure you are not wasting your time or your energy on any of these things:
- Stop wasting your time or energy focusing on things outside your control. First it takes a great deal of energy and causes stress and second it doesn’t make anything better.
- Stop wasting your time or energy focusing on what you don’t want. Instead focus your attention and energy on what you do want.
- Stop wasting your time or energy focusing on feeling you are too young or too inexperienced. Focus on what your youth and eagerness to learn gives your potential clients.
- Stop wasting your time or energy just “trying”. When lawyers say they are going to “try their best,” they have already decided that their best won’t be good enough.
- Stop wasting your time or energy focusing on things you “need to,” “got to,” or “have to” do. I know from experience that when you “need to,” “got to” or “have to” do something it is far less likely you will do it than if you really “want” to do it.
- Stop wasting your time or energy marketing to everyone. When you market to everyone you market to no one.
- Stop wasting time or energy going to networking events and only talking to people you already know well. Only go to networking events if you are willing to meet new people, get to know them and follow up.
- Stop wasting time or energy talking about yourself. I have discovered that most people are really not interested hearing about us. They care about themselves.
- Stop wasting your time trying for the home run of getting a client to hire you. Work instead on getting singles by building the relationship and moving from base to base.
- Stop wasting time or energy just focusing on what’s in it for you. Instead focus on what is best for your clients. One of the most important changes I made was from focusing on what was best for me (numbers) to focusing on what is best for the client.