Want to take a couple of classes that will help you get better at client development? Suppose I told you that the two I would take would be Creative Writing and Drawing. What would your reaction be?

My guess is that you would wonder what in the world either of those courses has to do

This week I have focused on “selling” legal services. As you know I hate a sentence that includes “selling” clients. But, as lawyers we are subtlety selling ourselves in every encounter we have.

You know exactly why you are uncomfortable selling. Each time the thought crosses your mind, you immediately think of your worst experience

  1. What is your mission?
  2. Which are the most important relationships you want to invest in?
  3. What are the essential priorities and goals of those closest to you?
  4. What are your expectations of the people around you, and what do they expect of you?
  5. What is your plan?

I found these awesome questions in a book