I suspect that I have coached the vast majority of lawyers who read my blog. If you are one of those lawyers, I have recently been thinking about you.

When we had a coaching session scheduled, did you ever not look forward to meeting with me? Did you ever hope I would not show up, or would show up late so our session would be less time?

If so, I understand.

I recently wrote that I am working out with a trainer for the first time in about 20 years. It has been a grueling one-hour, twice a week experience.

I remember when I started starting to dread going for my one hour session for several hours. I remember hoping my trainer would not show up, or at least show up late to shorten the training session. (Keep in mind I’m paying for an hour session, twice a week.)

Then, all of a sudden, I experienced progress. I could feel a difference from all the time we spent on core exercises. I could feel I was getting stronger. My training sessions were still challenging, but I didn’t feel beat to death afterwards.

I don’t understand endorphins, but I think they were kicking in.

So, what’s my message to you? When you were not experiencing success or progress, you may not have looked forward to our time together. But, once you saw you were making progress, that likely changed. It just might have been those endorphins kicking in.