As you know, I practiced law a long time. I loved most of my work and I loved most of my clients.

Over my years I discovered many lawyers who did not feel the same way. Some knew what they don’t like. Others hadn’t thought about it. Others discovered they did not want to practice law.

In his book Linchpin, Seth Godin wrote:

Transferring your passion to your job is far easier than finding a job that happens to match your passion

To find your passion you must be able to find what intrinsically motivates you. Over the years I came up with 10 questions you can ask yourself to better understand your intrinsic motivation.

  1. Your Law Firm is holding your retirement party. Picture yourself there. The speakers will include a client, a lawyer in town with another firm who has been opposite you in some matters, a young lawyer in your firm, your spouse and one of your children. What would each person say about you?
  2. Imagine you are older and your grandchild asks: “What are you most proud of in your life?” What would you say?
  3. What lawyer do you admire the most and why?
  4. What lawyer is living the life you would most want to live and why?
  5. What lawyer is doing the kind of work you would most like to do and what is that work?
  6. You want people in your firm, or clients to believe you are the “go to person” to_________________.
  7. What is the work you enjoy most as a lawyer? Why?
  8. What client(s) do you enjoy the most and why?
  9. Imagine it is five years from now. Describe your day.
  10. Over the next five years, what do you want to do? What do you want to become? What do you want to earn? What do you want to learn?