- You had a record year in 2013 and it is even better in 2014.
- You have more work than your lawyers can do.
- You are attracting new business from potential clients you are seeking.
- You are expanding relationships with your existing clients and cross-selling additional services.
- Your lawyers are happy with their book of business.
- Each lawyer in your firm has a business plan and is using his/her time wisely.
- Your lawyers have found the industry, community or bar activities best suited for them and they are leaders.
- Your lawyers give outstanding presentations with slides that differentiate them from boring lawyer slides with lots of bullet points.
- Your lawyers anticipate client needs and offer solutions before your competitors and even before your clients know about the need.
- Your firm and its lawyers are at the top of the list when a potential client does a Google search for a type of legal work.
- Your firm and your lawyers are using the Social Media tools effectively and it is attracting high quality new clients.
- Your lawyers are visible and credible to the potential clients the firm is seeking.
- Your lawyers are focused on their contacts and know how to make friends firm clients.
- Your senior lawyers regularly spend time passing down ideas on client development to more junior lawyers.
- Your firm is one of the few whose clients are ecstatic about the level of client service and are telling other potential clients and referral sources.
Speaking of using Social Media Tools, (number 11 above), Shawn Tuma is doing a Client Development Social Media Webinar today at 11:00 AM CDT. It is FREE for lawyers and law firms where I have coached or done presentations. I have seen it twice and found it invaluable. You will also. If you want to sign up, contact jflo@cordellparvin.com first thing this morning. She will send you an invite.