In 1981, I gave a presentation to the Virginia Road Builders. I knew this presentation would shape the future of my career, and I prepared and prepared and prepared. I wrote every word I intended to say and then made the presentation with no notes. (We didn’t have PowerPoint presentations then and I didn’t want to use an overhead projectors.
Presentations I gave made my career. I sensed that if I could get in front of a group of contractors, I could demonstrate my knowledge of their business. Presentations may make your career. In this blog and others I want to share how to deliver a remarkable presentation.
When possible I liked to arrive early. I did it for several reasons. First, I wanted to know how the room would be set up. Second I wanted to make sure the technology was working for the video and audio I usually included in my presentation.
Once I was confident everything was working I liked to go out into the audience and introduce myself as people arrived early. I did this to create a connection with the audience. I did my very best to remember the names of people I met.