In 2012, I posted a blog You are Never Too Young, Too Inexperienced, Too... I argued that If you are hungry to become more valuable to your potential clients and if you are willing to do what older lawyers are not doing, you have a real opportunity.
Because many senior lawyers are not creating content for their clients and potential clients or not using the web to distribute it widely, there are great opportunities for young lawyers to differentiate themselves from more senior lawyers. I read and recommend you read Seth Godin’s book Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? I found a great quote about the power of the web by Hugh MacLeod:
The web has made kicking ass easier to achieve, and mediocrity harder to sustain. Mediocrity now howls in protest.
Seth Godin points out that the internet has raised the bar because it’s so easy for word to spread about great stuff. So, if you are a young lawyer you want to produce great stuff and then get it into the hands of people who will share it with others including your potential clients.
Seth Godin also says there is more junk than ever before. I agree and believe lawyers are creating more junk than ever before.
I read a lot of blog posts that are not well written and not aimed at helping clients and potential clients.
If you are a young lawyer and you want to “kick ass,” you must create content that your target market will value reading or hearing and then you must write it or present it in a way that grabs their attention.