How many lawyer bloggers are there now? I know there are several thousand. Yet, how many of those bloggers are connecting with their dream clients through their blog? I suggest there are very few. You can be one of the few.
Your blog readers like to read stories. Are you writing with that in mind?
Take a look at this Copyblogger suggestion: The 5 Things Every (Great) Marketing Story Needs. You will see:
- You need a hero-Your ideal client
- You need a goal-Avoiding this problem or taking advantage of an opportunity
- You need an obstacle-The government, competitors
- You need a mentor-You
- You need a moral-The top companies take positive action to avoid trouble
Are you still stuck? Let me give you a specific example. After Enron and WorldCom scandals (See: The 10 Worst Corporate Accounting Scandals of All Time) the government turned its attention to the construction industry and some other industries. If I had been blogging I could have written a story. In short form it would have had these five elements.
- You, like most contractors would never purposely do anything that would get your company into trouble with the federal or state government.
- A contractor’s survival depends on many things, including first and foremost staying out of trouble.
- After Enron and WorldCom the federal government has announced its intention to go after contractors.
- Ethics and Compliance Programs with these elements can reduce your risk of making a mistake
- Ethics and Compliance mean both survival and profitability for your company
Want some other tips? Take a look at my Practical Lawyer article: Practical Tips To Make Your Blog More Valuable.