Are lawyers in your firm sending holiday cards? I have been thinking about them and how you can make them memorable.

I remember several years ago personally signing over 1000 holiday cards. Some members of our firm did not even sign the cards.

I did, but as I was signing the cards I realized that many were being sent to people who sent me cards and with whom I had little other contact. I didn’t remember their cards and I am confident they did not remember my cards.

If you send 1000 cards and receive 1000 cards, or if you are mass emailing electronic firm holiday cards, haven’t they become the equivalent of spam? How can you make your holiday cards less spam like? I suggest sending fewer and more meaningful cards. In addition to signing those cards write a short personal note.

Your law firm can make the firm’s card more memorable by focusing on the community. A Wall Street Journal blog post included a story about a Miami law firm’s holiday card.

It featured a picture of a truck it had donated to the local food-bank. The text of the card let clients know that the gift of the truck would not have been possible without them. I am confident the firm’s clients will long remember that card.

If you really want to make sending holiday cards worthwhile, do and write something unique that will be remembered.