What have you learned from reading my blog posts? More importantly, what are you doing differently and how is it working for you? I I ask because my blog can only be a valuable tool for you if you are taking some action to implement ideas you learn from me.
Way back in 2006 I started coaching a Gray Reed & McGraw associate litigator, Jonathan Hyman. Jonathan was one of the most motivated lawyers I have ever coached. Jonathan is now a very successful Gray Reed & McGraw partner.
Shortly after the coaching he and some others in the coaching program shared what they had experienced and learned with the Gray Reed & McGraw lawyers at their annual retreat. At the time, I asked Jonathan to write some of the points he made at the retreat. Here were his thoughts:
In the year before I began the coaching program I originated a decent book of business for a lawyer my age. During the year I was involved in the program that number increased almost three fold. There is no way to quantify how much of that increase came from the coaching program. The only thing I can say is that I am doing things differently than before and good things are happening.
While I learned a great deal from the program, the following three philosophies stick out the most:
(1) How to view the world from the client’s perspective, or as Cordell quoted from his friend Charlie Miller, Listen to the “Voice of the Client.” I learned to listen before speaking, and learned to direct my thoughts and comments to what I had heard. Once I bought into this fundamental notion, I approached client development from a new perspective.
(2) The importance of personal relationships. My favorite Cordell Maxim is to “make your friends your clients and your clients your friends.” I enjoy building relationships. Cordell helped me become aware that that if I develop trust and rapport without “selling,” I will have a greater chance to be successful.
(3) Provide value to the client or perspective client in ways that don’t involve billing your time. Send articles, share resources and demonstrate a genuine concern for your clients and their business.
Jonathan wrote a blog for you last year titled: Young Rainmaker Offers Six Tips to Market Yourself. I am confident you will find his tips helpful.
I would like to hear from you. What are you successfully implementing?