Nancy and I returned from Diamanté in Cabo San Lucas on Saturday. In part because we felt safer there than in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex we plan to return in August. We wore masks in public. The dining servers wore masks plus shields plus gloves. At a grocery store only one person was allowed
Lawyers: What you can learn from the number one solo singer of all time
If you just want to find the answer to the question in the title, skip down to the end of this post.
Did you get a chance to see it? In early December, A &E presented a four hours biography titled: Garth Brooks: The Road I’m On. If you missed it, you can stream…
Charisma: Conveying Your Vision Matters
Years ago, I read a great book titled: “Charisma: Seven Keys to Developing Magnetism That Leads to Success” by Tony Alessandra.
In the chapter on vision, Alessandra tells the story of a kindergarten teacher who asked a student what she was drawing:
I’m drawing a picture of God,
the child quickly answered.
But sweetheart,” said…
Client Development: What is Presence and Why It’s Important
I’ve written about it many times. My first mentor (don’t think I ever used that word) told me clients wanted lawyers with a “confidence inspiring personality.”
What does that mean? I believe it is having a presence. What does that mean?
You’ve likely heard the phrase “stage presence.” I looked it up and found this…
Charisma: What are the Qualities You Need to Develop to Have It?
I originally published this two years ago, but I found a recent Wall Street Journal article: How to Develop Your Personal Presence on Social Media and in Real Life and decided to publish it again. I could tell you what the writer suggests that you do to develop your presence, but I will leave that…
Charisma: Clients Want Lawyers Who Have It
I believe clients want their lawyers to have charisma.
That thought scares many lawyers, especially those who are introverted. I think those intimidated by the idea have a mistaken notion of what Charisma actually is. It is not necessarily having the gift of gab. It is more focused on exuding confidence, being open and listening…