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Time Management
Client Development Coaching: Making Time
Recently I gave a presentation to lawyers on Time Management. I included ideas from this video clip.
I looked back at a blog I wrote in 2012 and decided to share it with you again.
You are certainly making time for your billable work and I hope you are making time for your family,…
10 Time Management Questions to Get You Thinking
I have shared in other posts that time management is the most popular agenda item for discussion with lawyers I coach. I bet it is something most of you want to learn as well.
Recently a group I coach asked me to talk about time management at one of their quarterly meetings. I talked about…
Business/Development Plan: Can I help you prepare your 2014 plan?
If you have read my recent posts, you know that I did a workshop for a law firm’s associates to help them prepare their 2014 Development Plan. See: Law Firm Associates: My Thoughts on Preparing Your 2014 Plan. I learned afterward that the workshop had changed the associates planning from just submitting something the…
LXBN TV Video Interview: What Lawyers Can Learn from Stephen Covey
Following up on my post What Stephen Covey Taught Me, I had an opportunity to speak with Colin O’Keefe of LXBN on the subject. In the brief interview, I explain which of his lessons I found to be most valuable and also walk through how Covey’s “7 Habits” apply lawyers and law firms.
What Stephen Covey Taught Me
Stephen Covey passed away this past Monday. I learned about his death first on TV and then I read his obituary in the New York Times: Stephen R. Covey, Herald of Good Habits, Dies at 79.
Looking back now, I think my father, Coach John Wooden and Stephen Covey taught me how to have…
Client Development: What are you doing to follow through?
Some of the lawyers who worked for me and some of the lawyers I have coached are motivated to become successful at client development. If you are are a regular reader, I feel certain you are motivated also.
I am motivated to work out. I am motivated to learn French and Spanish. I have very…
Cordell’s Top 15 Time Management Tips for Client Development
I don’t know why, but early in my career I discovered that managing time wisely would be very important for me. Since that time, I have read every article and book I found to get ideas and to figure out what combination of expert ideas would work best for me. Now that I coach lawyers…
Kevin O’Neill on Planning and Time Management
Several lawyers have shared with me how much they appreciated my podcast interviews with lawyers I coach. They mentioned they found ideas they could implement themselves. I have decided to post short 1-2 minute clips from those podcast interviews on Fridays.
In this clip, Patton Boggs DC partner Kevin O’Neill shares with you his new…