Are you on Twitter yet? If so you can follow me at

Twitter is described as a “Micro Blog.” That is because Twitter requires that you post no more than 140 characters. I think most lawyers and most law firms on Twitter are using it to drive potential clients and referral sources to their Blogs, Alerts and other written material.

I have been on it a few months with the hope I could share with lawyers the value of being on it, if any. So far it is challenging for me to see much value. I have used it with the hope that followers will read my Blog posts or listen to my podcasts. But, most people who are following me on Twitter are not the specific lawyers or law firms that I would hope to find value from my posts and podcasts. While I have become aware of some young lawyers because of Twitter, my guess is their target clients are not following them on Twitter.

If you want to get an idea of how businesses are using twitter and how you might use it, listen to the April 24 and April 28 podcasts at DuctTapeMarketing.

If you want to read an argument on why lawyers using Twitter for marketing is ineffective read what Larry Bodine recently wrote about it.  To get a pros and cons view, read and consider listening to the podcast.

For me, the most interesting part of Twitter has been creating content anyone would care about in 140 characters. I typically take something I have written before and paste it only to find I am over the character limit. Then, I have to shorten it and still say something readers would find valuable. Learning to say things more concisely has been a valuable exercise for me.

Here are some examples of my “Tweets.”

  • How can some people be both very successful and very family oriented? The answer: They focus on their priorities and use their time wisely.
  • I believe law firms should organize their marketing efforts around what their clients do rather than what their lawyers do.
  • Develop business by creating content that demonstrates you know the legal issues your clients face and how the issues impact their business.
  • I like this Donald Trump quote: "Your higher self is in direct opposition to your comfort zone.
  • Super Lawyers think optimistically
  • My latest column in The Practical Lawyer:Rainmaking: Talent is Overrated
  • What a senior associate should do about client development