In November, 1981, I gave a presentation to the Virginia Road Builders. I knew this presentation would shape the future of my career, and I prepared and prepared and prepared. I wrote every word I intended to say and then made the presentation with no notes. (We didn’t have PowerPoint presentations then and I didn’t
Lawyers: How to Successfully Sell Yourself
Many years ago when I was the Construction Law Practice Group Leader at my firm, we had a practice group retreat at a ranch about an hour from Dallas. After dinner, one of my junior partners, who had been drinking a great deal, paid me what he believed would be the ultimate insult.
He said:…
Lawyers: What you can learn from the number one solo singer of all time
If you just want to find the answer to the question in the title, skip down to the end of this post.
Did you get a chance to see it? In early December, A &E presented a four hours biography titled: Garth Brooks: The Road I’m On. If you missed it, you can stream…
Lawyers:Why You Need To Prepare a Business Plan, No Matter What
My colleague, Abby Gordon is back with another guest post. In this post, Abby shares why you need to prepare a business plan. Begin working on your 2020 business plan after reading Abby’s post.
Start early:
A persuasive business plan can make or break your next career move.
Many lawyers do not think about…
Why does Client Development Coaching Work?
Having coached over 1800 lawyers in the United States and Canada, I have a pretty good idea why coaching works and how to make it work most effectively.
Over the years I coached lawyers who have since become top rainmakers in their firms. I coached lawyers who have since become top leaders in their firms. …
Law Firms: Are you tapping into individual and group client development efforts?
I received an email last week from a marketing director asking me to describe what I would do if I was coaching lawyers in his law firm. I was pleased when he expressed the desire to have both individual coaching and group coaching. I believe group coaching is an important component of the coaching program.
Weddings and Marriage: 49 Years and Still Counting
This is a rather long blog post, so let me remind you that on June 13, I will be presenting Month 2 of the Lateral Link Rainmaker Series. I will show you how to prepare a business plan that works.
Today is an important day for me and for Nancy. 49 years ago today Nancy…
Presentation Skills You Need to Learn: Tell a Story
If you want to learn more about presentations take a look at this post: Top ten tips for incredibly successful public speaking by David Meerman Scott. I like all ten of the tips.
The third tip is to tell stories. That was one of the primary tips I gave Dave when he was preparing…
Utilizing Your Commute: Book Review of “Becoming,” by Michelle Obama
If you have been a long time reader, you know lawyers I have coached write guest posts. Melissa Lyon has written several guest posts. Here is her latest.
I took many valuable lessons with me from my client development coaching with Cordell – one of those lessons was the importance of sharing *takeaways* from books…
Lawyers: Purpose, Vision, Core Values
I rarely, and maybe never, have written about anything religious, but I wanted to share some thoughts with you after listening to our pastor’s message (aka sermon) titled: Explore God: Does Life Have a Purpose?
It was a message that resonated with me, in part because it was only late in my career that I…