Are you finding setting goals a challenge? If so, you are not alone.  I have 10 tips I hope will help you.

  1. Start broadly and work to specific goals.  
  2. Think of your major definite purpose (what you want to accomplish), understand why accomplishing it is important (why), and your core values (how you want to

I am starting coaching a group of partners today. I will ask them and I will ask you: Do you have goals? That is likely not  the most appropriate question because we all have goals. Perhaps better questions might be:

  • Can you identify your goals?
  • Are your goals written?

Why should you write (type) your

Have you created a plan for your non-billable time for the second half of 2012? If you haven’t, I want to share some ideas with you.

Each lawyer I coach is unique. Their practice, their opportunities, their challenges, their talents and their experiences are unique. So, it is challenging to come up with what makes

I can’t believe today is December 1. Did you use any time over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend to think about a plan and goals for 2012? If not, would you be willing to try something in December just to see if it will work for you? Here are my thoughts to speed up your success